Saturday, October 24, 2009

Winter Chill Reindeer Frame

Supplies Needed:
PSP (any verison will do)
2 tubes of choice
(or the ones I used which are supplied)
Reindeer Frames © Ziggle Designs & Kami Leonard
Winter Chill Scrap Kit
Can be downloaded HERE
Mask 13
(Supplied if this is yours please let me know so I can give proper credit)
Font of choice or mine
Drop shadow of choice or mine of
My Supplies HERE

Open a new image 700/700 in white. Don't worry we'll resize when finished. Open reindeer frames zip and choose frame # 9. (Can use other frames if you want, just remember to compensate tubes for frame layers; example, if you have three blank frames you'll need three tubes). Resize frame by 40%. Copy and paste as a new image and close out original. Choose magic wand and click inside left blank frame. Go to selections, modify, expain by 10 and click ok.

Open Winter Chill kit and choose paper # 5. We are going to colorize the paper by going to Adjust, Hue & Saturation, colorize. Hue 108 saturation 255 (if using my tubes, if not colorize to a darker or lighter color of tube color). Copy paper and go to frame, paste as a new layer under frame and now go to selections, invert ok, hit your delete key. DO NOT DESELECT YET.

Copy first tube and paste as a new layer under frame. Position into place the way you like it (may have to resize). If using my tube resize vector Hermione by 50%. Go to selections, invert and click ok. Click your delete key and go to selections select none. Do the same on the right side blank frame as above and so forth if you are using a different frame. Drop shadow both tubes.

Make the white background active and copy your colorized paper and paste as a new layer on top of white background. Go to Layers, new mask layer, from Image and choose 13. Source luminance and invert mask data CHECKED and click ok. Go to layers pallet and merge group on mask layer only. Now duplicate this layer twice (should have three layers of mask), and close out all layers but the mask layers. Merge visible these three layers. Go to image, resize, 120% resize all layers UNCHECKED. Unhide all layers and make reindeer layer active.

Open Winter Chill bow 2 and fastener 2 (or one that matches your tubes you might have to colorize them). Copy fastener and paste as a new layer on top of frame, resize by 55% (resize all layers UNCHECKED) and position on right hand corner of frame (see my tag for example). You can use your defromation tool to rotate to your liking.

Copy Winter Chill bow and paste as a new layer on top of fastener. Resize bow by 55% twice (resize all layers UNCHECKED). Using your deformation tool, rotate bow a litte and position to where it's covering the opening on the top of the fastener. Duplicate this and move down to bottom of fastener, again using deformation tool rotate it the other way and position to where it is coving opening on bottom of fastener. Drop shadow all three layers (bows and fastener).

Go to image resize, 425 x 425 (or size of your choice) making sure resize all layers is CHECKED. Copy and paste newly sized tag as a new image and save as a JPEG. Open newly saved blank tag and add your name in the font provided or one of choice in color of choice. Now save this as a JPEG into your tags folder and you're done.

I hope you've enjoyed my tut. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to ask and as always if you make a tag, send one to me so I can put it up on my blog. Peace to you all!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Waiting for Halloween Tut

Supplies Needed:
Ghost Train Scraps (3 different ones)
Zindy Zone tube (supplied)
Download supplies HERE
Mask file 003 (if this is your mask, please let me know so I can give credit or remove)
Template 43 (if this is yours please let me know so i can give credit or remove)

Open temp and go to image canvas size and under width and height change to 700/700 and click the middle button. Don't worry, we'll resize later. Then go to your layer palett and find the background, flood fill background with white.

Open the Amy Hill scrap and find paper 6, open it and copy it. Go back to the temp and paste the paper as a new layer on the background. Then go to layers and choose new mask layer from image and find the mask marked file 003. Make sure Source Luminance is checked, and that invert mask data is NOT checked. Click ok and then go to your layers pallet and merge mask layers visible.

On temp, delete bat and pumpkin layers. That will leave the window frame and window back layers that we will be working with. Select the window back in your layers pallet and go to selections, choose all, float, defloat, and then open C.C. ghost train and choose paper 7. Copy it and then paste it into the temp and arrage to where the city sky line is to where you like it. Then go back to selections and choose invert. Click the delete button to remove the excess paper. Don't deselect yet.

With background still selected, get the full moon tube from the Baking Penguins scrap kit and open it. Copy and paste it as a new layer on the temp, behind the window frame but on top of the city sky line paper. Position to where you like it and then hit delete again on your key board to remove any excess hanging outside the window frame.

Now go to your layers pallet and close all layers but the window frame, window back, city sky line paper and full moon. Merge these layers visible and then reopen all closed layers. Move window frame up a little.

Open the bat 1 from C.C.'s ghost train scrap and copy it. Paste it on top of the window frame and resize by 45 % or to your liking. Then go to image, rotate, free rotate, right, by 25 degrees. Click ok.

Open the Zindy tube or tube or your chose and copy it. Paste it on the temp and move it down to where it looks like she is looking out the window. Drop shadow 0, 0, 55, 5 black. Or use a drop shadow of your choosing.

Copy the Zindy Zone © info and paste it above the window frame on the temp. Make sure it can be seen, if not, move the window frame until you can. Make sure you have everything where you like it or want it.

Now go to Image, resize and choose 425/425 (what i use) or a size of your choice. Now copy merge and paste as a new image and now you have a new tag. Save as a JPEG.

I hope you have enjoyed doing my tut. If you have any feedback you'd like me know about feel free to leave a comment or email me. I'd love to see your resultes, you can email them to me at at And if you feel like it, feel free to make me one as well, i love
Peace all

Friday, October 16, 2009

Breast Cancer Awarness

This is an issue close to my heart, hence the reason I made a Twilight BCA tag. My Twilight Always list members already have this tag and know the story behind my making it. In the 1970's, my grandmother had breast cancer. At that time the only option was removal of the breast and then radition. I was around 10 or 12 when this happened and i remember going to the hospital and seeing her after her surgery. At that time i didn't know they had removed her breast, i just knew she'd been sick and had been oparated on.

A few years later, after I got my DL, my grandmother asked me to drive her to a store here in town to by a bra, this is when i realized she only had one breast. I asked her how she felt about having it removed and if it bothered her. Her answers to these questions stayed with me and it wasn't until after i grew up that i realzied just how much she imspired me.

Her answers were, "Baby it's just a breast, I didn't need it anymore it didn't define me as a person,as a woman or as a human." She was quiet for a moment and then she said, "At first I was upset about losing it but not because of what you think, but because i didn't know how the family would treat me or other people for that matter. But i decided before i left the hospital that i didn't care what other people thought of me, I was alive and if living meant living with one breast or none at all, I'd be happy because I survived to watch you grow up and to see how the world is going to change. God didn't give me anything he knew i couldn't handle."

Those words have stayed with me thorugh my on life while I've been dealing with debilitating RA. It's just something I'm havnig to deal wtth, it's not defining me or my life and i don't care what people think about the way i look becoase of the RA.

Even though we lost her in 2004, she is still a very big part of my life. So please, everyone, please get checked at least once a year. If not for yourself, do it for someone you love and who loves you.



Another tut site

Some of the people on my always lists have asked me for tuts to my tags, most of the tuts, i do, i do from other lists, but i have done a few tuts on my own and after thinking about it for a while, i've decided to post them here for others to do if you so choose. I will, of course, include either the links to the scrap kits i use or attach supplies to the tuts if i don't use scraps. I hope you all enjoy coming to my blog and doing my tuts and maybe finding some tuts from other writers you might like to do.

