Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kiss Me Tut

Supplies Needed

PSP any version will do

Tube of Choice
I'm using the artwork of
Les Toil which is free to use
and is included in my supplies zip.

If you do choose to use Les's work
please make sure you put his
© on it. (© Toilgirls.com)

Scrap Kit is called Charm
and can be found HERE

Supplies can be found HERE

Open supplies and choose the Kiss Me Temp. Go to the Inner Circle (black one) and click inside it with your magic wand. Go to selections, modify, expand by 2. Open your scrap kit and choose a paper to your liking. Copy and paste the paper as a new layer. Go to selections, invert, and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Now copy and paste your tube as a new layer and hit the delete key again. Go to selections, selection none. Go back to your Inner Circle )black one) and delete it on your layer palet.

Now go to Image, resize to your liking (I resided mine 425 x 425). Save as a JPEG and you're done. You can now open your newly renamed tag and put your name on it. I hope you liked doing this tut, it was a short one. Peace

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sorry I've been AWOL

Due to some issues...lol...mainly being addicted to Farmville on Facebook, I've not been doing a lot but I'm back now...I hope...ha ha ha. I'll be working on more tuts for you all to try so I hope you'll stick around.

Also I lost power for a week, the week of Christmas and I finally got through all my mail that I had come in over that time. I hope you all had a great Holiday both Christmas and New Years. Hope it was safe, happy and healthy filled with lots of lover from family and friends.

Peace to you all.


1 in a Million

Supplies Needed

PSP any version will work
Tube of choice
I'm using the wonderful artwork of Les Toil
If you use a tube of Les's please give proper credit
he is one of the few amazing artists that allow us
to use his artwork without buying a licenses or buying
his tubes, giving him credit is more than fair. Thank You.
Template 15 by Tamie can be found HERE
Scrap Kit of choice (I used one to match the temp and tube)
I can't supply the SK i used as I don't know where it came from

Open temp in PSP and delete the copyrite layer. Click on the large black star in the left hand corner, now choose your magic wand and click inside the black star. You should have the marching 'ants'. Go to selections, modify, expand by one (1) ok. Now choose a paper from the scrap kit you're using and if needed resize. Then copy and paste paper over the star as a new layer. Go to selections, invert and hit the delete key. Do NOT deselect. Now copy your tube and paste as a new layer on top of the paper. Once happy with placement, hit the delete key. Go to selections and choose select none. On tube, put a drop shadow of choice or the one i used of 1, 1, 55, 5.00 black. Use the same drop shadow on the paper layer and the blue star outline layer.

Click the smaller black star in the right hand corner and then choose your magic wand. Go to selections, modify, expand by one (1). Choose a darker paper and resize if needed. Copy and paste paper 2 over star as a new layer. Go to selections, invert and hit the delete key. Do NOT deselect. Go to your tube and mirror it, copy and paste the mirror image as a new layer and it delete. Go to selections and choose select none. On tube put a drop shadow of choice or the one i used of 1, 1, 55, 5.00 black. Use same drop shadow on paper layer and blue star outline layer.

Click on large circle and using your magic wand, click inside the circle. Go to tube and mirror it again back to the original version and copy. Paste into the circle as a new layer and lower opacity to 60%. Drop shadow of 1, 1, 55, 5.00 black.

Choose 2 or more elements and resize as needed. Copy and paste as new layers on tag as desired. Drop shadow elements with 1, 1, 55, 5.00 black. Once happy with tag, resize to 425 by 425 or a size of your choice. Make sure copyrite is on tag, add your name and save as a JPEG.

Hope you have enjoyed this tut. Please show me your work if you'd like. Peace to you all.